Strona główna
Wstawka numer 115
Koszalin, 24. March anno Domini 2021.
New environment
We enter a new environment, when the old one for some reason lets us down. So it happens when we are making conscious and voluntary choices. I have already said that I am creating an environment to program. A new environment.... to program. A new environment to program in Pascal.
However we call a programming language which has originated from the Pascal language, this will be Pascal. For example the onetime Borland ObjectPascal. Today it does not exist, for the manufacturer calls it his own way. From now on, we will be also in possession of a new environment to write in Pascal: my new programming environment.
It is a program of a compact and simple structure. If any environment will deserve to be referred to as an environment for writing programs at lightning speed, since now it will be my new environment. The program loads and opens in less than a second. It is fully functional immediately after running. It needs no extra applets to go through in order to create something. If the user so wishes, he can move the new project about wherever he wants. My environment is no troublesome in this regard.
Creating new projects is extremely simple and instantaneous. Inserting new visual objects on a form works like a machine gun – as our eastern neighbours say: like an 'automat' (Tommy gun). You couldn't do it faster.
Does 'speedily' mean 'badly'? Not necessarily, this is an open method. The user – in other words, the programmer can see the structure of a new application in its entirety. He can sail over it in an inner text-editor or with the help of extra windows built into the environment. Everything is intuitive and easy.
How does my environment come off against others? This unfortunately is not a question to be put to me; from now on, other people create the background for my environment, which will become an environment for everyone intent on using it for writing programs at lightning speed. Programs to be fast, concise and easy to move about.
Are there any other advantages of the new environment? One should not talk too much, or some individuals will scream or hiss, 'Braggart' or 'That is overdone'. I will therefore refrain from elaborating more.
I am not mentioning its name here, but let us all prepare for a change of quality in writing programs with an object-method in Pascal. This is important, as currently the situation is a bit foul-smelling, and it may not come amiss to change it a trifle. This is to be served by the new programming environment, which is already almost at people's disposal. A little 'almost' worth waiting for.
God bless
Andrzej Marek Hendzel
Nowe środowisko pdf - 32 KBNew environment pdf - 31 KB
Translated by Rafał Dymek
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